Look for a bunch of small boats and run behind the crates to find it, along with a chest.įor this Silver Key, check the backyard of the Hauteville Heights house, near the exit to Bowerstone Castle.

Search for this Silver Key along the Market's canalside - it's on the side with the vendor stalls. Smash it with your choice of attack and grab the Silver Key inside. Turn right and you'll see a wooden barricade covering a hole. After diving into a murky pond from Nigel's hideout, you'll enter into a sewer tunnel. The Cesspools can be found by entering a trapdoor in a building across from the Bowerstone Shelter (or Brothel, depending on your decisions). Take the right-hand tunnel as you enter to claim the Silver Key as your own.īowerstone Industrial 4/4 (The Cesspools) You'll likely first spot this Silver Key when entering the Bowerstone Resistance headquarters for the first time, behind bars, but you'll have to enter from a secondary door underneath the large crane in Bowerstone Industrial to get to the other side. You'll find the Silver Key inside the elevator. Go to the factory by the docks you broke into during your boat hijacking session, and you'll find the crates inside have been reorganised to let you climb up to the second floor. You'll only be able to obtain this Silver Key after returning from Aurora and becoming ruler of Albion. For the less adventurous, the correct order to turn the levers should be: rear left, front right, rear right, rear left, front right, front left, rear right, rear left. To solve the puzzle you'll need to manipulate the levers by turning the vents on and off. The Silver Key is up on the catwalk, but inaccessible due to some steam vents around it. Near the docks and the sewer exit to Mourningwood, you'll find a factory (it's the one The Voice begins in, if you have the Understone Quest Pack DLC). This Silver Key requires a bit of puzzling to acquire. After entering the cave proper, continue to the left and you'll come across the Silver Key just off the main path just as it begins to turn right. The first Silver Key you're likely to come across is in the Catacombs. You'll find the Silver Key behind the statue of a previous ruler. In the rear courtyard after becoming King or Queen, head to the entrance to The Catacombs and take a left all the way to the wall. Consult our guide below for the locations of each and every one in the game. Of course, Silver Keys are also used to open the game's many Silver Chests, and you'll need all 50 if you want to open every single one. You'll have to find all of these, in addition to the four Gold Keys up for grabs, in order to earn the I am the Keymaster achievement. Silver Keys are pretty much synonymous with the Fable games at this point, and Fable III isn't stingy with them, as you'll find a grand total of 50 scattered across Albion.